Foundational Truths for a Culture in Transition: Insights from Genesis 1-11

    09.08.24 | Sunday School Lessons by Dr. Robert Gustafson

    David lived in a time of cultural transition as Israel moved from a theocentric state to civic life under the control of a monarchy. Samuel had warned that this change would be unsettling (1 Samuel 8:10-18), and yet the people of Israel persisted in their desire for a king. David writes Psalm 11 in the midst of the dramatic changes in Israelite culture and asks the poignant question, “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Beginning with Psalm 11, this class will explore David’s response to the question and will then focus on Genesis 1-11 as we study bedrock truths of human culture embedded in this foundational section of God’s Word.

    Foundational Truths for a Culture in Transition: Insights from Genesis 1-11, Lesson 1
    , September 8, 2024
    Dr. Robert Gustafson

    Foundational Truths for a Culture in Transition: Insights from Genesis 1-11, Lesson 2, September 15, 2024
    Dr. Robert Gustafson

    Foundational Truths for a Culture in Transition: Insights from Genesis 1-11, Lesson 3, September 22, 2024
    Dr. Robert Gustafson