Women's Ministry


Oakwood Women's Ministry Team seeks to engage the women of Oakwood with opportunities for fellowship, resources, Bible studies, and discipleship.

To learn more contact the church office.

Get Involved

The Women's Ministry at Oakwood is expressed in the acronym S.E.E.D.S.  We work together to include women of all ages and integrate our activities into the life of the church as a whole by...


Strengthening the Church by embracing Oakwood's vision and participating in its fellowship, worship and ministries.


Equipping every woman to grow in her understanding and application of the Bible so that she can think and live biblically for God's glory and her good.


Enfolding every woman in a life-giving, Christ-glorifying community.


Discipling women through intentional, multi-generational relationships for the purpose o teaching, mentorship, and friendship.


Serving women with the compassion of Christ by sharing the gospel and providing practical assistance, companionship, counseling, and prayer.

Contact the Oakwood Women's Ministry at .