
Oakwood Church Leadership 


 Jesus Christ calls Elders to serve as His under-shepherds, to govern and to lead His church (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9).

The body of Elders is called the Session. Governing by a plurality of Elders, rather than a single leader, the Session offers built-in accountability and support as together the Session seeks to shepherd the flock. The Session enjoys further accountability and support through Oakwood's denominational relationship with the Presbyterian Church in America. Regional churches of our denomination gather together on a regular basis to examine men for ministry and to address pastoral or disciplinary concerns that go beyond the ability of the local congregation to address. That assembly is called Presbytery. Each year the churches of the entire denomination gather together at the national General Assembly, which is the highest "court" of the Presbyterian form of church government. The General Assembly sets policy for the entire denomination.

Senior Pastor, TE - Teaching Elder

Daniel Kiehl

Bellefonte Pastor, TE - Teaching Elder

Owen Hughes

Associate Pastor, TE - Teaching Elder

Ben Lee

Clerk of Session, RE - Ruling Elder
Jeremy Amaismeier

RE - Ruling Elder
Dave Borch

RE - Ruling Elder
Conal Carr

RE - Ruling Elder
Tim Eshelman

RE - Ruling Elder
Brian Roberg

RE - Ruling Elder

Ling Rothrock

RE - Ruling Elder

Doug Sharp

Elder Emeritus

Bert Messelink

Perry Denniston